TES is a not-for-profit corporation which began as an informal association in the winter of 1971. We support sexual liberation as a basic requirement of a truly free society. Our special concern is freedom for sexual minorities and particularly the rights of those whose sexuality embraces D/s or dominant/submissive fantasies and urges.
These rights have largely been denied through negative public attitudes, internalized to a great extent by those possessing such inclination themselves. We assert the following rights for all:
The right to pursue joy and happiness in one’s own evolving nature, as long as this doesn’t infringe upon the similar rights of others.
The right to define oneself, and not be defined by persons whose experiences have not provided them with the understanding to appreciate one’s mystique nor by those whose repressed urges may panic them into rigid hostility toward it.
The right freely to communicate and socialize with others of similar sexual orientation, and to explore together the deeper, positive meaning of our experiences.
The right to challenge established value systems which oppress by condemning and repressing sexual drives or practices of erotic minorities.
The right to publicize activities and views – freely, without fear of occupational or professional repercussion-thereby raising the consciousness of both the public and ourselves regarding sexual or gender minorities and sexual freedom.
To realize these rights, we seek to foster consciousness raising and understanding among our members and the public at large through public forums and workshops on D/s, advertising, dissemination of Society publications and literature, by providing speakers for all forms of media, colleges and other audiences, and by giving support to other sexual liberation movements.
Most of all, we extend to our brothers and sisters who may be, as we once were, isolated, repressed and frustrated, the word that they are not alone, that a Society exists for them – straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer, all working together, with understanding and warmth, against misunderstandings and stereotypes, for freedom and fulfillment.
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