Special Interest Groups (SIGs) schedule regular meetings on topics that pertain to their Interest. There have been many different Groups at TES over the years, covering many different Interests. The following Groups are currently inactive until in-person classes can resume:
The Femme Dominance Group welcomes all femme-identifying dominants and all humans who are interested in serving them. Femme-identifying dominants can share experiences and learn how to better express their dominance, while submissive people have an opportunity to be around dominant femmes without fear.
The group is currently lead by Goddess Narcissa.
There are many reasons why we like bondage: control, beauty, or just because it feels good. Rope, leather gear, metal, pervertibles or a combination, we explore practical and safe methods of restraint.
The group is currently led by BoundtoFly.
The Dominant Men/submissive women SIG group was the pioneer TES SIG group and has been in existence for over 15 years. Meetings are geared to meet the needs of those who identify as Dominant Men and submissive women.
The group is currently inactive.
Fetish Workers Group
This Special Interest Group focuses on issues that pertain to members of our community who also work in our community – in any capacity.
The group is currently inactive.
The Hypnokink Special Interest Group is devoted to exploring hypnosis and kink in a way that respects agency and honesty, through the use of concepts of BDSM including Risk Aware Consensual Kink with explicit negotiation. We meet monthly and teach concepts and techniques to bring hypnosis into your kinky toolbag.
The group is currently inactive.
New to BDSM? The public scene? New to NYC? The TES Novice Group hosts monthly educational meetings and excurcions geared to the BDSM newcomer. Their number one goal is to provide you with a safe and friendly atmosphere where you can get the answers to all your many questions Our meeting are open to everyone. We meet the second Wednesday of each month.
The group is currently inactive.
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